↖Spruce Run Reservoir
On July 7, 2002, P.L. 2001, c. 404, also known as the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), became effective. This law enacted changes concerning public access to government records. Significant changes to the law were enacted on June 5, 2024, in P.L. 2024, c. 16.
This OPRA law expands the public's right of access to government records and facilitates the way in which that access is provided by the custodian of those records. Section 18 of the law authorizes public agencies to take anticipatory administrative action in advance as may be necessary for the smooth and efficient implementation of the act. For additional information regarding the Authority’s OPRA procedures or to make an OPRA request, please submit the OPRA Request Form or contact: Records Custodian P.O. Box 5196 Clinton, NJ 08809 Phone: (908) 638-6121 x260 Fax: (908) 638-5241 |
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